QNB Bank has proudly pledged to donate $25,000 to the Souderton-Telford Rotary Foundation for the Souderton Community Park renovation project. Led by the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, the scope of the 6-year park revitalization and beautification project requires help from all areas of the community, which is why QNB is more than pleased to step up and support the cause.
“Giving back to the communities we serve has been part of our core since the bank was founded in 1877,” said David Freeman, President and CEO of QNB Bank. “QNB is proud to serve as a sponsor for the Souderton Community Park renovation project – a project that benefits people of all ages, interests, and abilities. We look forward to everyone enjoying the park’s new features and thank the Souderton Borough and Souderton-Telford Rotary for their hard work and commitment to this Souderton centerpiece.”
Groundbreaking for the park renovation project began in June of 2019. Since that time, the Borough and Rotary Club have been busy remodeling the bandshell and pavilion, improving drainage, and expanding the paved parking. Additional upgrades to the park will include an adult fitness area, two adjacent playground areas, new kitchen and restroom facilities, improved lighting, and art walkways.