Members of our club attended Rotary District 7430's Changeover Night.
Photo Above: Liz Herman, Al Engel, Immediate Past DG Diane Donaher, DG Katie Farell, Suzi Berry, Karla Myers and Sarah Bergin
It was a great evening connecting with other Rotary Leaders in our District. ST Rotary Member Suzi Berry was thanked for her three years of service as an Assistant Governor. Liz Herman, another ST Rotary Member, will be stepping into that commitment starting July 1.
Photo Above Left: Karla with District Learning Cord/PDG Janet Kolepp, Suzi and Sarah
Photo Right: Immediate PDG Diane Donher, PDG Bob Hobaugh, Suzi and PDG Len Gieseler. These are the District Governors Suzi served with.
Karla Myers was thanked for her ongoing leadership as the District Interact Chair.
Three cheers to the #peopleofaction in Rotary District 7430! Thank you for your commitment to serving others!