We were recently recognized for our 2023-24 giving to the Rotary Foundation by Past District Governor Diane Donaher. A big thank you to ST Rotary Foundation Chairperson Rick Kowey for his promotion of the Rotary Foundation, and thanks to our club members for their financial contributions.
In Rotary District 7430, we are one of only a handful of clubs that achieve both of these designations:
100% Foundation Giving Club
For clubs that achieve an average of $100 in per capita giving and 100 percent participation, with every dues-paying member contributing at least $25 to any or all of the following during the Rotary year: Annual Fund, PolioPlus Fund, approved global grants, or Endowment Fund.
Every Rotarian, Every Year Club
For clubs that achieve a minimum Annual Fund contribution of $100 per capita during the Rotary year, and every dues-paying member must personally contribute at least $25 to the Annual Fund during the year.